Frequently Asked Questions

What Breeds of Cattle do you raise?

We raise primarily Angus and Angus cross cows and SimAngus Bulls. Genetics play a large factor in tenderness and cuttability of a great piece of beef. We buy cows and bulls from reputable farms or ranches to keep our herd full of great maternal instincts, docile temperaments, sound feet and legs as well as having calves that can return consistent and top quality freezer beef.

Are you organic?

We are not certified organic. We were certified organic as a dairy farm, however that certification ran out in 2020. We still manage the farm using organic practices for fieldwork and natural practices for cattle health. Vaccinantions, minerals and overall preventative care helps keep animals healthy and thriving.

Is your beef Grass-fed or Grain-fed?

Our beef cattle are fed a diet that includes corn for the last 6 months of their lives, but have free choice access to the best silage at all times. They are raised on grass, but finished with limited amounts of grain to achieve marbling and tenderness without over fattening. The best of both worlds and the best use of our land base and what products are available. The corn we use is raised right here in the Androscoggin River Valley.

What is dry-aging?

Our beef is dry-aged. That means extra time at the butcher, in a humidity controlled cooler, with great air flow in the coolers at a temperature just above freezing. This creates a consistent and great cut of beef every time. Our beef is harvested and then hung in the cooler for 12 to 14 days. This hanging time allows for optimal flavor and tenderness.

How do I purchase beef?

Hit the SHOP button! We keep individual cuts that are packaged for our retail storefront.

We also take orders for Quarter, Half or Whole freezer beef.

Generally it is a 3 to 4 month wait time on scheduling for a side of beef.

We determine dates from the butcher and then your beef is scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Generally we are scheduling 3 to 4 months ahead.

Do you have a return or refund policy?

Our Product is perishable, therefore we cannot take returns on product.

If there are issues with packaging or cuts we can talk to the butcher and make adjustments where possible.

We welcome feedback as we are always striving to do better once we know better.